Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sleepless in Denver

Written: 6/11/08 9:00 PM MT

Guess I spoke too soon. I’m here in Denver and the flight to Omaha has been delayed, apparently due to some pesky tornadoes. I just hope I get there (tornado-free) and am able to get enough sleep to be able to function tomorrow. I don’t even know what our schedule is supposed to be like tomorrow, but all the other literature I have read from the ETS website suggests that it’s going to be a pretty rigorous, 8-to-5 type of schedule. Maybe the first day will be introductions and stuff that I can sleep through without much danger. Breaking news from the guy at the gate: flight’s delayed at least until 10:30. Blech. Time to grab some beer.

On a lighter note, it’s somewhat amusing to see the business traveler types scurry around the gate area in search of the last remaining wall outlet in which to plug in laptops/PDAs/gadgets. It has seemed strange to me, with the advent of modern technology requiring electricity, that airports are not more gadget-friendly and provide more outlets so travelers can plug in their laptops.

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