Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 6: Ozona to Houston

First, went to San Antonio to see The Alamo. It really is quite a remarkable structure. I'll post some pictures later, as I left the camera in the car. I was impressed how big the place is. I thought it was just the little iconic chapel-like structure that you see in all the pictures, but it was actually quite a bit larger than that, enclosing an entire compound with barracks, a plaza, and the whole works. Did you know that the battle lasted only a couple of hours? I was surprised how short it was. The place is a sacred spot on Texan soil, that is for sure.

Then I proceeded to Seguin, Texas, to view...the world's second-largest pecan! According to the report on, at one point it was the world's largest, but it's been edged out by some folks from Missouri. (How dare they!) So in the official Seguin literature it's not called the "world's second largest pecan" - that's just embarrassing - but instead, it's called a "Texas-sized pecan". I thought that was clever. The article also seems to imply that the town's identity is based off of this pecan, and so when I arrived I expected to see signs leading to the way to the town's identifying trademark. But, there isn't a sign in sight that directs you to the pecan. I had to stop at the Chamber of Commerce to get a map to the pecan. It's hidden away on the courthouse lawn. Anyway, I'll post pictures of this later too.

Then I got to my sister's place. She has an apartment in this gigantic sprawling apartment complex. Kim tells me that there are about 1,000 apartment units in this place. There are always people coming and going, as far as I can tell, and Kim's apartment is on the ground floor near the entrance gate. It's a wonder she gets any sleep at all. We had a leisurely dinner and a nice drive through western Houston before retiring to her place to watch the last episode of "Bachelorette". (Sigh.) Had some problems finding a place to stay - Kim isn't really capable of hosting visitors and apparently there is some sort of conference in town gobbling up all of the hotel rooms nearby. So I am at a Ramada Inn that's a little ways away, but still close by Houston standards. It's now about 11:40 PM and the temperature is still 85 degrees and the humidity is insane. It is true what they say - when the humidity is this high, taking a shower really doesn't help. Now I'm off to bed.

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