Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So Obama won.

Well that sucks. I was hoping McCain could pull it out at the end. But it was mere wishful thinking after all.

On the one hand, I think Obama is going to be a disaster for the economy. He will not hesitate to raise taxes and with the ultra-liberal Congress he's working with, the only question they will ask him is "how high do you want to go?" He wants to give "tax breaks" to people who don't pay taxes, which means eventually that we will have half the country who don't pay any taxes at all. That is not a sustainable democracy.

On the other hand, though, as others have pointed out, the situation right now is almost exactly what the situation was in 1992. And yeah it was a disaster for a while but the world didn't come to an end and it did pave the way for the eventual return of the Republican Party to control in Congress.

So I'm anxious about what Obama will do but I am also cautiously optimistic that through the current set of tribulations the Republican Party will rediscover its conservative soul.

1 comment:

Joe LeGore said...

Hey Jeff, It's me Joe-from La Grande-I am in Seattle for the Christmas break doing some job hunting for post Graduation. I have a theory about Obama..He sort of fits all the qualities of the anti-christ. Charismatic, everyone looks to him to fix every thing on and on...but some might say they will take it because he got Bush out of office. funny no?