Wednesday, October 8, 2008

weight loss progress (or lack thereof)

Okay so my weight has remained more or less the same over the past month. I attribute this to a lack of consistency. I would sometimes stay within my calorie range and sometimes not; I would sometimes go to the gym and sometimes not. I've decided that this month I am going to focus on discipline. It matters less what I actually do (as long as it is helpful); it matters more that I do it regularly and consistently. So I've put off the weight lifting for now (because I don't actually like weight lifting) and I'm going to do only cardio, 6 days a week, in the mornings, without fail. And, I won't slack off on my other duties. I won't let my apartment get a messy wreck and then spend an entire day cleaning it; I will clean as I go. I won't let the dishes pile up in the sink. Etc.

But, then a further realization revealed that I've done this sort of thing before; I would make a commitment to do something, put my entire energy behind it, but then inevitably my will power would falter and I would slip back into the old ways. So this time I'm going to change things up a bit. I'm going to reward myself periodically for remaining disciplined. And, what better reward than beer! Lite beer, of course. And, only one mug. (Well maybe two.) And some associated keno. It won't be one big reward at the end for being successful, because I will never make it that far without some encouragement in the middle. So, twice a week or so I will treat myself in this way. One or two beers won't bust my budget or my diet and it will be something I can look forward to.

So far, so good. I did cheat a little bit today when I had a slice of pizza but I remained steadfast the rest of the time. And I had beer and keno last night after the presidential debate. This morning I weighed myself and I was at 231 lbs. So wish me luck. By the end of the month I hope to be below 230 lbs certainly, hopefully around 227-228 lbs or so.

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