Tuesday, March 25, 2008

On Karaoke

So the real truth about this sabbatical. It's a "year off", sure, but I know it's also not going to be a party. I'm going to be working on a minimum of three different projects, as well as a textbook, and maybe even writing a grant proposal or two. It's going to be a lot of work. But it's also about doing things that I can't really do in La Grande. And I'm not just talking about doing things that I am physically unable to do in La Grande, such as go to a mall. I'm talking about doing things that I feel too inhibited to do here. I realized this when I caught myself fantasizing about singing karaoke in Lincoln. Now really, should anyone fantasize about karaoke? But it's not the karaoke per se; it's the luxury to engage in such wanton acts if I so choose.

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