Tuesday, March 25, 2008

On Karaoke

So the real truth about this sabbatical. It's a "year off", sure, but I know it's also not going to be a party. I'm going to be working on a minimum of three different projects, as well as a textbook, and maybe even writing a grant proposal or two. It's going to be a lot of work. But it's also about doing things that I can't really do in La Grande. And I'm not just talking about doing things that I am physically unable to do in La Grande, such as go to a mall. I'm talking about doing things that I feel too inhibited to do here. I realized this when I caught myself fantasizing about singing karaoke in Lincoln. Now really, should anyone fantasize about karaoke? But it's not the karaoke per se; it's the luxury to engage in such wanton acts if I so choose.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Ad

I suppose I should post the URL for the ad. Here it is:


I fought the Dean...

...and the Dean won. The University just won't pay the extra dough for the print ad in C&E News. Instead I must be content with a bunch of website advertisements, and no actual print ads. Grr. I just hope the University won't be this cheap when it comes to the rest of the search process. This experience has led me to believe that perhaps my hope is unfounded.

On a brighter note, applications have already begun to come in and the deadline isn't even for a month yet.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


This university is being cheap. They aren't willing to pay the money to advertise the position in the most-read chemistry trade publication, Chemical and Engineering News. It's just too much money. The difference is only about $150 too between what they are willing to pay and what the ad will cost. I am fighting with HR on this one. Stay tuned.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Corn-Fed Dreams

So I find myself frequently daydreaming about what it will be like on sabbatical in Lincoln. Take today, for instance. I'm at the gym here in La Grande (only two, BTW - the EOU gym and the Grande Ronde Fitness Center), and it is adequately equipped, but I just know the one that I will join in Lincoln will be so much better. Sure GRFC has a hot tub in the men's locker room...but the one in Lincoln will be much nicer and bigger. And GRFC has five elliptical machines, but the Lincoln gym will have AT LEAST twice as many! Did I say "gym", as in singular? There are oodles of gyms to choose from. In fact, here is just one that I am considering. I cannot wait to find out what a "Cardio Theatre" is. But, more seriously, I think I will probably join the downtown Lincoln YMCA, as I hope to be able to walk to and from work, as well as to and from the gym.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sabbatical Replacement Ad

It's at HR right now. Should be getting word any day now that it's been approved for advertisement.