Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Belated Blog Update #2: Weight Loss

So I have beem making a concerted effort to lose weight while I'm here. I hired a personal trainer, I have been studying nutrition, but most of all I feel like this is my last chance to lose the weight that I should lose. If I can't do it now when I have plenty of time to devote to the effort, then I'm probably never going to be able to do it.

Things started off well. I started at 236 lbs. and over the course of 4 weeks I was down to 232.5 lbs. Not dramatic, but definitely good. And then...I had a complete lapse of will yesterday. I had 3/4 of a large pepperoni pizza and I didn't go to the gym. This morning's weight? 236 lbs. I gained it all back in the course of one day. I can't tell you how disheartening this feels.

I guess the most enlightening aspect is the degree to which cheating will inhibit my progress. I can't really cheat at all and expect to get to the weight that I desire.

UPDATE: Okay so I just weighed myself right now, after eating breakfast and taking a shower, and now my scale says 235 lbs. Weird.

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