Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Got Polled

I got polled by Rasmussen just now. So if tomorrow's polls seem out of whack you'll know why. :-) I gave the answers that I thought would support McCain because Lord knows he could use the help. One interesting question was if I thought it was likely that Hillary would win the Democratic nomination. At this late date? This question occurred right after the one about whether I thought the roll-call vote at the Democratic convention would help to unify the party or not. Hmm. I guess the people at Rasmussen are suspecting that Hillary still has a few tricks up her sleeve just yet. Wouldn't that be something - a floor fight at the convention? I was thinking about actually going to both conventions since I happen to be roughly right in between the two cities of Denver and Minneapolis. Of course I wouldn't be able to get in or anything but I'd at least get to see the antics and the protestors and the media circus aspect. But then again, do I really want to spend all that time and gas money to see idiots who have too much time on their hands make fools of themselves? I can do that for free from the comfort of my own home.

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