Saturday, May 10, 2008

Update: May 10

Sorry to my two readers that I haven't updated the blog lately, work has been killing me. Anyway, my longing for sabbatical has reached a new intensity. Every day I yearn to be free of EOU and La Grande. There are a mere 51 days left until June 30, the day that I have set to move out and begin my sabbatical adventure. The time has come when I'm actually starting to make plans. I'm going to get my car thoroughly examined on Monday to look for any problems, big or small. And I think I have my finances pretty much worked out for my sabbatical year. With any luck I will make it through without having to go back into debt, which would be a really good thing.

The search for my sabbatical replacement goes well. We have some good candidates. Hopefully they are better than me!